Friday, June 5, 2020

6/5 Fri: Rocks, Mineral, Geologic Time Test

HW: Make up missing work

Test administered on the rocks, rock cycle, minerals, and geologic time scale

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

6/2 Tues: Fossil Record and Geologic Time

HW: Watch and complete the quizzes on two brainpops found on clever: geologic time and fossils

Learning Target: I can understand how fossils give an insight into the past history of the Earth.

1. Big Bang Crash Course -tying together science and history!!!
2. Check out the Earth Viewer and see how Earth has changed since the beginning of time
3. Complete a KWL chart in your notebook about what is a fossil?. Then,  watch the video on fossils

Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/28 Thurs: Geologic Time Exploring

HW: Study  Geologic Time Scale Vocab-15 minutes
Complete the worksheet on the Geologic Time Scale, if not done in class

Learning Target:  I can construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth's 4.54 billion year old history.

1. Review pages in guided reading packet on the rock cycle
2.  Watch the video How Old in the Earth? How old is it?
3.  Take a tour HERE and learn about the geologic time scale.  You must go through the entire tour. Complete the worksheet that goes along with the interactive resource posted in the google classroom.

Monday, May 25, 2020

5/26 Tues: Rock Cycle

HW: Read pages 166 to 169 and complete the questions on pages 11 thru 13 in the Guided Reading Packet
**LARGE GROUP CLASSES THE REST OF THE YEAR-AM Group meets at 11:00 and PM Group meets at 11:45-Wed 5/27 thru Fri 6/12**

Learning Target: I can understand how rocks are made and how they are ever changing.

Complete the 3 Edpuzzles on google classroom:
1. Intro video on the Rock Cycle
2. Rock Cycle Song-Mr. Lee
3. Bill Nye
(The links are provided are for parents to watch. Your assignments of these videos are posted on the science google classroom.

Friday, May 22, 2020

5/22 Fri: Types of Rocks Day 2

HW: Finish any missing work from the week-check missing work chart
Monday-no class, take time to remember those we have lost

1. AM Group-Kayden presentation on Rocks and Minerals
PM Group-Michelle presentation on Rocks and Minerals
2.  In Class-Types of Rocks Brainpop

Thursday, May 21, 2020

5/21 Thurs: Types of Rocks

HW: NEWS ELA Types of Rock article with tasks assigned-due Friday

Learning Target: I can identify a type of rock by its physical characteristics and how each are made.

1. Rock Video Quest!
Watch the videos and take notes on page 34 in Guided Reading Packet.  Review together as a class..
Igneous Rocks Video
Sedimentary Rock Video
Metamorphic Rocks
2. Read the NEWS ELA Types of Rock Article and complete the tasks for homework

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

5/19 Tues: Rock Intro

HW: Watch Types of Rock Flocabulary and complete the tasks assigned-due Thursday

PM Group-mineral formation notes (see last week's post)
1. Read pages 146 to 148 in textbook and complete pages 4 and 5 in Guided Reading Packet
2. Bubble map on Characteristics of  Rocks from the information on pages 146 to 149 of the textbook with page 33 in Guided Reading Packet

If you have extra time, define Rock terms

Friday, May 15, 2020

5/15 Fri: Mineral Vocab Quiz

HW: Make up any missing work

1. Check Missing work chart
2. Take the Mineral Vocab Quiz on the GC

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5/14 Thurs: Mineral Formation

HW:Mineral Identification BrainPop-submit quiz to my Brainpop class on Clever
Study for the vocabulary quiz Tomorrow on the mineral vocab 

Learning Target: I can identify the ways in which minerals are formed.

1. Read Section 1 and 2  pages 118 to 126  pages 1 thru 3 in Guided Reading Packet
2. PREZI on mineral formation with videos that illustrate need to know concepts
fill in the flow map  as a class for the two main methods minerals form

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5/12 Tues: Mineral Identification & Properties

HW: Define the following terms by Thursday May 14th
Mineral inorganic crystal element compound Moh's hardness scale
Streak luster cleavage fracture fluorescence solution
Vein gemstone ore smelting alloy

NOTE: 2:30 Class tomorrow must join the 1:00 or 1:45 class. I have a department meeting at 2:30.

Learning Target: I will be able to define and explain terms related to minerals.  I can identify the characteristics of a mineral. I can explain how minerals are identified.

1.  Geology Kitchen 1: What is a Mineral and Mineral Identification-complete with page 30 of packet
2. Complete the Google doc based on the videos for a classwork grade

Friday, May 8, 2020

5/8 Fri: Large Group Discussion on Mount Vesuvius

HW: Check missing work charts

1. Large group discussion about article and videos
2. show pics of Mount Vesuvius from when I lived in Naples, Italy

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/7 Thurs: Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

HW: See GC post 5/6 and complete it-due tomorrow

If done reading the article, watching the author's "Behind the Scenes" video, watch this video on facts of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius (3 min video)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5/6 Wed: EQ & Volcano Test

HW: see GC post

Learning Target: I can find connections from information researched prior to writing a good nonfiction article.

1. During class-take the EQ & Volcano Test
2. See the GC post-watch the video on the author who wrote "The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius" and then read the article. Think about ways that the author prepared to write the article. See the GC for the question to answer that is graded and due by Friday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/5 Tues: Review Day 2 EQ & Volcanoes

HW: Study for Test tomorrow-Read Chapter 3 Volcanoes-skim it, read the headings and subheadings, check out the summary at the end of sections 1 and 2 only

1. Three Kahoots! (if time) Review of Plate tectonics 2, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes
2. Read chapter 3 volcanoes (see above)

Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4 Mon: EQ & Volcanoes Plate Tectonics Review

HW: Study for Test on Wednesday-see old blog posts, google classroom posts from "week end 4/17" (particularly stress notes and fault video posted on 4/14) and read the chapters 2 Earthquakes posted under this week's end 5/8-Test Wednesday!

1. work on Review Packet-see Science GC for packet-open it with Kami and you can write on it (like I do in the math lesson)
2. Read Chapter 2-Earthquakes and Chapter 3-Volcanoes to review for test Wednesday

Friday, May 1, 2020

5/1 Fri: Make Up DAY

1. Check out the missing work charts
2. Complete any of the assignments from the week that are not already finished.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30 Thurs: Ring of Fire

HW: Make up Missing Work from Last Week

Learning Target: I can identify the ring of fire on a map.
NOTE: FRIDAY WHOLE GROUP SCHEDULE TOMORROW! AM at 1100 (Math GC meet code) and PM at 1145 (Science GC meet code)

1. Ring of Fire-National Geographic
2. NEWS ELA "Ring of Fire" Article assigned on Science GC. Complete the activities included.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/29 Wed: Plate Boundaries and Seismic Activity on IXL

HW: Make up missing work from last week

Practice IXL Science skill-AA2 (15 minutes) and AA3 (15 minutes) under 6th Grade Science Skills. Be sure to pay attention to the explanations if you get something incorrect.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4/28 Tues: Volcanoes Day 2

HW: Make up missing work from last week

Learning Target: I can show on a map areas of volcanic activity. I can listen to a video on volcanoes and choose correct answers when asked comprehension questions of the material.

NOTE: SHORTENED CLASSES TOMORROW-2 large groups-AM at 1030 and PM at 1100. Use the google meet on the classroom (Math-AM, Science-PM)

Use CLEVER to log in to Ms.Sobon's Clever Page. Log in to Brainpop this way from now on (I will give a tutorial in class today). Watch the video, answer the questions, and complete the activity(ies) that are attached to the assignment. Be sure to submit it to my class when you are done so the score gets saved and is in my roster.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

4/27 Mon: Intro to Volcanoes

HW: Missing work from last week-check missing work charts

Learning Target: I can explain how volcanic activity represents plate tectonics.  I can describe volcanoes and identify the locations where they may be more prevalent.

1. Flocabulary Assignment on Volcanoes

Friday, April 24, 2020

4/24 Fri: Earthquake Review

HW: Be sure ALL 4 assignments are completed for the week-earthquake flocabulary, 3 news ELA articles with questions)

-Check out the Missing Work chart for this weeks work
-review all the assignments from this week and be sure you know how to answer these questions:
-what are some technolgies that are used to predict and measure earthquakes
-how can people be prepared for earthquakes and during earthquakes?
-what are earthquakes?
-where are they located generally in the world? Why?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

4/24 Thurs: Technology for Predicting Earthquakes

HW: Complete all questions and activities that go with the article

Learning Target: I can identify technology and special instruments are used to measure and predict earthquakes.

Read the article on "Technology for Predicting Earthquakes" and answer the question and activities that go along with the article on the Science GC. Use details and evidence from the article in your response.

4/22 Wed: Earthquake Readiness Article

HW: Complete all questions and activities that go with the article

Learning Target: I can identify ways to be prepared for before an earthquake begins. I can identify ways to cope with an earthquake while it is happening.

Read the article on "Earthquake Readiness" and answer the question and activities that go along with the article. Use details and evidence from the article in your response.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21 Tues: Science of Earthquake Article

HW: Complete any assignment from last week or this week, if not up to date

Learning Target: I can understand how earthquakes happen.

Read the article on The Science of Earthquakes-complete the reading comprehension questions and activities-see GC for assignment

Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Mon: Earthquakes Flocabulary Assignment

HW: Finish any assignments from last week-see missing work chart!

Learning Target: I can connect the theory of plate tectonics to earthquakes. I can explain what happens during an earthquake. I can describe how scientists measure earthquakes and the instruments used to do so. I can define magnitude.

1. Missing Work Make Up-see Grid under topic heading "Missing Work Chart" on either google classrooms!!
2. When done with past assignments, do the Flocabulary on Earthquakes-complete all 5 activities for full credit-due tomorrow

Friday, April 17, 2020

4/17 Fri: Earthquake Terms Quiz

HW: Complete the Earthquake Webquest-due tomorrow at midnight

Review Assignmemts this week:
1. Question on earthquakes posted on the GC
2. Earthquake Webquest activity
3. Earthquake Term Quiz posted on the google classroom-Take today
4. Quizlet for Terms
5. Reflection question from Dr Anderson presentation given today at 1pm. Question posted  on Google classroom.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

4/16 Thurs: Earthquake Webquest

HW: STUDY Terms Quiz tomorrow

NOTE: TOMORROW AT 1PM THERE WILL BE A CONFERENCE WITH DR. ANDERSON, A GEOLOGIST FROM GERMANY WHO WILL DISCUSS WITH US EARTHQUAKES AND PLATE TECTONICS. This conference is for the whole team at 1:00pm tomorrow. Math lesson class will also occur, but at 11:30 am for everyone! It will be a short check in and simple directions for what to do for science and math classes.

Learning Target: I can understand the hazards of earthquakes. I can identify some technology that humans use to control for damage caused by earthquakes and ways to cope during an earthquake (and the difference).

1. Quizlet Quizzes review and evaluate activity
2. Earthquake Webquest (assigned on Science GC)-due Saturday at midnight

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4/15 Wed: EQ Waves and their Measurements


1. Read pages 64 thru 69 in text, answer Guided Reading Packet questions page 17. Review section 1 and 2 guided reading packet in class.
2. Seismic Wave Demo-video here TAKE NOTES
3. Watch How a Seismograph Works video AND Finding Earthquake Epicenter Video
4. Check out the Earthquake link on the blog!  It is crazy that Earthquakes happen every day!!

4/14 Tues: Stress, Faults, and Mountain Building with Earthquakes

HW: Quizlet Game for Terms due Thursday 4/16 (see google classroom for assignment under week end 4/17)

Learning Target: I can identify how stress forces affect rocks in the crust.
I can explain why faults form and where they occur.
I can connect that movement along fault lines changes the Earth's surface.

1. REVIEW Video on types of faults and stress
Copy this table in your notebook (part of notebook grade) and complete using information from the video. 


2. Reread pages 54 thru 61 and  summarize in your notebook.  Go over pages 14 thru 16 in guided reading packet and review in class together. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13 Mon: Intro to Earthquakes

HW: Terms (see link here)-make a quizlet with 20 words (include pictures if you like)-Post the quizlet link to the assignment posted in the GC under this week's topic heading (week end 4/17 Earthquakes)

1. Watch plate tectonics and ancient civilizations and answer the question on the Science GC

2. Read the textbook pages 54-61 in Inside Earth text (see the textbook Chapter 2 Earthquakes posted on the GC this week under this week's topic heading). Complete the Guided Reading packet pages 14-16, if you still have it. If not, send me an email and I can email you a copy.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/10 Fri: Earth Layers and Plate Tectonics Flocabulary Review

HW: None-have a good weekend!

See the Science GC for the Flocabulary lesson on Earth's Layers and Plate Tectonics

4/9 Thurs: Weathering and Erosion Flocabulary Assignment

HW: make up assignments  from Q3

Weathering and Erosion video, vocab games, matching game, quiz-complete all (posted on GC)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/8 Wed: Cascadia Subduction Zone

HW: Make up missing assignments-redo quizzes or anything you can to make your grade better

Learning Target: I can explain how the Cascadia subduction zone affects the landscape of Washington state in the United States.

See the move and article posted on the Science GC. Be sure to answer the question with 2 DETAILS FROM THE RESOURCES PROVIDED.  The response should be at least 5 to 8 sentences in length.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7 Tues: Weathering and Erosion Test


Weathering and Erosion Test-link will be sent via google hangout group chat to students

Sunday, April 5, 2020

4/6 Mon: Review for Science Test tomorrow


-Legends of Learning-both playlists!
-Erosion Symbaloo
2. Review Packet review
3. Kahoots for review!
What to study for the test you ask? Go through the google classroom and click under each week's topic. Review the material (pdfs) and the videos posted! Review the review packet!!

Friday, April 3, 2020

4/3 Fri: Review for Weathering and Erosion Test Day 1

HW: STUDY! Complete the review packet (see assignment posted today in the Google Classroom)

1. Review the Symbaloo Activity on GC
2. Be sure you played the LEgends of LEarning-Weathering and Erosion games (see GC)'
3. Work on review packet (see post on GC)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

4/2 Thurs: Quiz on Erosion Terms

Hw: start studying for weathering and erosion test 

1. Take the quizlet quiz-I will collect the score off GoGuardian

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31 Tues: Erosion Readings

HW: Symbaloo activity due Friday 4/3 (see Google Classroom)

Learning Targets:
  • I can understand the processes responsible for changing the Earth's surface. 
  • I can identify features that are formed by water erosion. 
  • I can explain how glaciers cause erosion and deposition. 
  • I can understand how sediment enters rivers and streams.  
  • I can understand how waves shape the coastline. I can understand how wind causes erosion. 
1. Read the textbook posted in the Google Classroom, Chapter 3 (the whole chapter, pages 66 to 100) and be sure to be able to answer the questions in the google form. 
2. Work on the Symbaloo about the difference between Weathering and Erosion-due Thursday (see Google Classroom for resources)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/30 Mon: Erosion Intro

HW: Study for Vocab Quiz on this quizlet-vocab quiz on Erosion terms  Thursday

Learning Target: I can define erosion and how it is different from weathering.

1. Erosion Brainpop-take review quiz together
2. Weathering versus Erosion-be able to answer the question in the Science GC on the difference between weathering and erosion
Independently paced activities:
3. Play Legends of Learning Games on Erosion posted on Science GC
4. See post for reading of the textbook, chapter 66 thru 100 on erosion. Due Thursday.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

3/27 Fri: Conference with Dr. Phillips about the Biographies of Mountains

HW: Dr. Phillip Reflection Question-see Google Classroom and post a response for HW credit
Make sure all your assignments are done for this week and last week! Check the assignment schedule on the Google Classrooms!

Dr. Stacey Phillips studies how mountains are made and the composition and stories of volcanoes. She is sharing her knowledge with us today with a virtual presentation all the way from the UK at The Open University!!  We are very excited to speak with her at 1:00 pm today!

3/26 Thurs: Dr Stacy Phillips presentation tomorrow at 1pm!

Hw: see blog post and Google classroom assignment for constructive and destructive forces from yesterday - due tomorrow am

1. We are having a virtual conference tomorrow with a researching geologist, Dr Phillips from the open university in the UK. One of the concepts she studies is how mountains are made. This is the topic we will be talking about tomorrow at 1pm!! 
2. The 1pm group, pm group 1, needs to choose a different time for class, you can pick 11, 1145, 145, or 230. Just let me know so I send you the correct link. 
3. Please fill out a question you would like to ask her in this document 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/25 & 3/26 Wed & Thurs: Constructive and Destructive Forces

HW: Work on the Constructive and Destructive Webquest-due Friday morning

Learning Target: I can identify what constructive and destructive forces are in relation to the Earth and changing landscapes.  I can explain how some forces can be both.

1. Soil Discussion Padlet-see google classroom
2. See google classroom assignment (under Science) for a webquest PDF with links to explore learning about constructive and destructive forces in the Earth and complete the form using these resources. See the GC for instructions and materials.

3/24 Tues: Soil Conservation

HW: Be sure to finish assignments from yesterday and today

Learning Target: I can explain the reason why soil is the Earth's number one resource. I can identify what caused the Dust Bowl.

1. Watch The Dust Bowl and Soil Conservation Lessons-think about ways we can avoid another Dust Bowl
2. Read pages 57 thru 60 in Chapter 2 of the textbook that is posted on Science Google Classroom

Monday, March 23, 2020

3/23 Mon: Soil Formation

HW: Complete the CK12 assignment on Google Classroom for soil formation

Learning Target: I can understand how soil is formed and its composition. I can identify the role of plants and animals in the formation of soil.

1. Brain Pop on Soil AND Soil Formation from Rock Clip
2. Check out this link on soil formation: CK12 resource link on Soil Formation AND  Complete the exercise sheet that goes along with it on the science google classroom

Thursday, March 19, 2020

3/19 & 3/20 Thurs & Fri: Reading for Understanding Activity: Types of Weathering

HW: Be sure the (1) Plate Tectonics Readworks article is completed and submitted (assigned last week and it was due last Friday) and (2) the QUESTION on Science Google Classroom is complete (assigned yesterday)

Learning Target: I can explain chemical and mechanical weathering. I can give examples of both kinds of weathering. I can identify a couple of differences between the two kinds of weathering.

1. Review student answers in the Science Google Classroom (SGR) from the chemical weathering question posted yesterday
2. Watch the Types of Weathering Edpuzzle posted on the Google Classroom for Science. Be sure to answer the questions that are posted along the way. This is a classwork grade.
3. Read Section 1 pages 40 thru 45 of CHapter 2 posted in the SGC and answer the questions in the google form posted.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

3/18 Wed: Chemical Weathering Further Explained

HW: Google Assignment due tomorrow
Terms due Friday, March 20th

1. Chemical weathering-complete activity sheet and review the factors influencing weathering (yesterday's post)
2. See assignment posted in google classroom for chemical weathering-due tomorrow

Friday, March 13, 2020

3/13 Fri: Weathering: Chemical versus Mechanical


Check out the  Resources on Mechanical Weathering  and Influences on Weathering-videos, articles, practice questions to study, games
1. Stations on Mechanical and Chemical Weather

  • Types of Weathering Word Sort Activity
  • Illustrate It-follow directions 
  • Watch It: Crash Course Video
  • Read It

2. Assess It-questions

Thursday, March 12, 2020

3/12 Thurs: Weathering Intro

HW: Terms to be done by Friday, March 20th

Learning Target: I can identify the causes and differences between chemical and mechanical weathering.  I can weigh the factors that cause weathering to happen at different rates.

1. Weathering Brainpop and Quiz-classwork grade
    example of ice wedging video
2. Read the article posted on the Science Google Classroom-answer the questions on the worksheet(s)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

3/10 Tues: Plate Tectonics Informational Text Readings

HW: Complete the Choice Board-due Thursday
Readworks Article on Plate Tectonics (assigned yesterday)-due Thursday (no school Wed)

1.  How does density relate to how the Earth's Layers are formed?  Be able to answer this question after watching this video
2. Read the booklet Plate Tectonics and complete the Non-Fiction Reading Response Choice Board (Choose 3 in a row and be sure to pass through the center. Quick review of Cornell Notes

Monday, March 9, 2020

3/9 Mon: Plate Tectonics Lab

HW: Read the Readworks article on Plate Tectonics-80% is the goal on the multiple choice-due Wednesday!!!!

Learning Target:  I can provide a demonstration of the different types of plate boundaries and what effects they cause in the Earth's crust.

 Write up the lab below on the lab sheets.  Perform the experiment. Answer the questions and draw your conclusions based on what you have observed.

Friday, March 6, 2020

3/6 Fri: Plate Tectonics Intro

HW: None

Learning Target: I can draw a picture explaining how the movement within the mantle causes the tectonic plates of the crust to move and in what different ways.

1. Plate Tectonics BrainPop and answer the review quiz together as a class
2. Read pages 42 to 47 and complete pages 11 thru 13 in the Guided Reading Packet
Monday will be a tectonic plate lab!!
3. National Geographic Plate Tectonics Video-take notes
4. Complete the Gizmo

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

3/4 & 3/5 Wed & Thurs: Pangaea Gizmo

HW: Claim with Evidence sheet on Pangaea (using info from the Gizmo Lab to support)-given Thursday, DUE FRIDAY

1. Pangaea Evidence Video
2. Complete the warm up together for the Pangaea Gizmo.
3. Work on Pangaea Gizmo- Activities A thru C

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

3/3 Wed: Sea Floor Spreading-the causal evidence to support Wegner's Theory of Continental Drift

HW: None

Learning Target:  I can explain how Earth's crust is created and destroyed.

1. Review Continental Drift with VIDEO
2. pages 33 to 39. Answer the questions on pages 5 and 10 of Guided Reading Packet
3.Sea Floor Spreading Evidence

Monday, March 2, 2020

3/2 Mon: Continental Drift and Formation of Continents

HW: Make up missing assignments

1. Formation of Continents Video
2. Read pages 28 to 32 and complete section 3 in the guided reading packet. Review answers together.
3. Continental Drift Notes in class-reviewed together.  Be sure to add why Wegener's theory was rejected.

Friday, February 28, 2020

2/28 Fri: Heat Transfer Reviewed and Convection Currents in the Mantle

HW: None-make up any missing assignments (including incomplete classwork)

Learning Targets:
I can identify the different types of heat  transfer.
I can recognize that convection occurs in the mantle of the Earth and I can infer what that does to the continental plates.
I can identify how heat is transferred in the mantle and how that affects the surface of the Earth.

  1. Go over terms-do the quizlet  quiz and show the grade for a quiz grade
  2. A Day in the Life of Geologist Video-COOL!
  3. Three Types of Heat Transfer-take notes on conduction, convection, and radiation in your science notebook
  4. Read pages 25 thru 27 and complete section 2 in your guided reading packet
  5. Find the Continent Activity-here is where the continents are NOW, BUT were they always there?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

2/27 Thurs: Finish Layers of the Earth

HW:Terms due tomorrow!!  (see Monday's post for list)

1.. Layers of the Earth Quiz-Assess It and Write It
2.   Bill Nye Layers of the Earth video with notes with Prezi

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2/26 Wed: Layers of the Earth Stations

HW: TERMS DUE FRIDAY!  Study this quizlet and your terms
Quiz Tomorrow on the Layers of the Earth-STUDY!

Learning Target: I can illustrate, identify, and write about the layers of the inside of the Earth.

1. PM Group-exit ticket
Layers of the Earth-Part to Whole Ratio Comparison Sheet
2. Stations: You will receive a station packet.  This will be completed for a classwork grade.  There are 4 stations to do in the class time we have today.  7 minutes at each station.
Read It-Take an orange sheet and read the article.  Answer the questions on the back on your station packet.
Watch It-Watch this video and complete the task cards at the station on your station packet.
Research It-Go to the interactive website to learn more about the layers of the Earth
Illustrate It-Using a model of the inside of the Earth as a guide, complete the task cards at the station. Ms. Sobon is at this station reviewing the exit ticket from yesterday with the group.

WRITE IT and ASSESS IT portions-Quiz Grade Tomorrow

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2/25 Tues: Layers of the Earth

HW: Terms-due Friday 2/28

1. Complete the Webquest from yesterday
2. Exit Ticket

Monday, February 24, 2020

2/24 Mon: Earth's Interior Day 1

HW: Chapter 1 Terms Due Friday 2/28 see link here for list

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the layers of the earth by composition, temperature, and density.

1. Watch Earth's Interior Video
2. Read pages 16 thru 24 and Earth's Interior Notes Guided Reading Packet-pages 2-4
3. Earth;s Surface Webquest-work on 5 items on the webquest and complete the worksheet accordingly. 5 items is full credit.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2/12 Wed: Expressions and Equations Test

HW: Complete the Weather/Climate Project (if not completed)

1. Math Test
2. Start presentations of projects

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2/11 Tues: Math Test review

HW: Weather and Climate Project Board-due tomorrow

Math Review-see math blog

Monday, February 10, 2020

2/10 Mon: Climate Test

HW: Work on Climate/Weather Project Board-due Wed 2/12

1. kahoot review
2. Climate Test administered

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2/5 Wed & 2/6 Thurs: Review for Climate Test

HW: Study for Test Friday on Climate!!!  Use guided reading packet, any notes or worksheets handed back, and the review packet given in class to study for the test on Friday!

1. Carbon Cycle Quiz-with notes
2. Stations!
-vocab puzzles
-Quizlets practice
Quizlet 1
Quizlet 2
-review packet

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2/4 Tues: Skype a Scientist Virtual Confernence

HW: Weather/Climate Project-due Feb 12th

AM Group-Dr. Simon Jeffreys-Climatologist from the UK
PM Group-Dr. Thomas Williams-climatologist from University of Florida
Ask your kids about it!

Monday, February 3, 2020

2/3 Mon: Carbon Cycle and Nonfiction Reading for Information on Climate

HW: Start  reviewing notes and materials for test on Climate this week (Thursday)

1. Complete Carbon Cycle notes
2. Science A to Z booklet on Climate-read pages 15 thru 24 and complete the close reading worksheet as you read.  Get another sheet when you need one.
3. Kids Discover Magazine assignment-share magazines
4. IXL N2, N4, N8, and N10-5 correct in a row

Friday, January 31, 2020

1/31 Fri: Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles

HW: Study notes for QUIZ on carbon cycle Monday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can connect the carbon cycle to my life and the lives of the organisms around me.

*Review page 59 in workbook AM Group*
1. Watch  Carbon Cycle-Simple StuffExplanation of CO2 Cycle-take notes or fill in missing information in the blanks on the notes provided
2. Watch The Nitrogen Cycle in Simple Terms and fill in missing information in the notes provided. Review Notes  Click here  for flashcards to study the 5 main stages of the nitrogen cycle in simple terms
3. Come up with questions for Dr. Jeffrey (AM Group) and Dr. Williams (PM group)

 Additional Materials for review: Global Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle BrainPop

Thursday, January 30, 2020

1/30 Thurs: Global Changes in Climate

HW: Page 59 in science workbook 

DIN: complete the worksheet summarizing the presentation from Dr. Chipman yesterday
1. Read pages 139-142.  Answer questions on pages 56 thru 58 in workbook.  Review as a class.
2. Global Warming video-National Geographic-take notes in notebook while watching the video
    What are Fossil Fuels? video-be sure to identify types of fossil fuels

TEAM LIT (AM GROUP ONLY)-Weather and Climate Project Board-due Wed Feb 12th

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1/29 Wed: Long Term Changes in Climate

HW: Finish watching the videos (if no time is left in class)

1. Read pages 134 to 138 in textbook and complete questions on pages 54 thru 56 (Sect 3) in workbook
2. Bill Nye's Take on Climate Change
3. Climate Change Crash Course

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/28 Tues: Climate Regions Activity Day 2

HW: Complete the Climate Zone activity if not done in  class Click here for the graphs of climate zonesclimate map,  and here for Grandma's post cards  (remember: only 3 graphs and 3 postcards need to be interpreted)

Work on the Climate Regions Activity Part 1 and Part 2 (interpret three graphs and post cards only)

Monday, January 27, 2020

1/27 Mon: Climate Regions Activity Day 1

HW: Watch Climate Type Brainpop and answer the questions on a sheet of LL to turn in by tomorrow

Learning Target: I will understand the main regions that have similar climates.

*Collect the Climate Readworks article that was HW**
1. Complete this Reading on pages 122 to 131 in textbook and complete questions on pages 51 thru 54 in workbook (PM Class only)
2. Climate Zones and Affecting Factors
3. Climate Type Brainpop -do questions for HW
4. Activity based on Koeppen climate classification system

Friday, January 24, 2020

1/24 Fri: Climate Vocab Quiz

HW: Climate Zone Readworks (paper copy) article-due Monday

1. Vocab Quiz
-Climate Zone Packet with Geography
-Expressions Matching Worksheet
-Short Answer Expressions with Distributive Property
-1 step equation Monster Activity
-Gold Property Matching sheet

Thursday, January 23, 2020

1/23 Thurs: Climate Regions Day 1

HW: Terms due Fri Jan 24th-Quiz on Vocab that day (see quizlet posted yesterday)

Learning Target: I will understand the main regions that have similar climates.

1. Intro videos-Climate Zones Described and Climate Zones versus Biomes
2.Read pages 122 to 131 in textbook and complete questions on pages 51 thru 54 in workbook

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1/22 Wed: Climate Factors

HW: Chapter 4 terms due Friday Jan 24th

see quizlet of Chapter 4 terms to study and get definitions

LEARNING TARGETS: I can identify the factors associated with climate.

1.Read pages 112 to 119.  Answer questions pages 48 thru 51 (top half) of workbook

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1/21 Tues: Intro to Climate

HW: Chapter 4 terms due Friday Jan 24th

see quizlet of Chapter 4 terms to study and get definitions

1. Climate Introduction Article Readworks (must get an 85 or higher on the article to continue)
2. Climate Science

Friday, January 17, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

1/16 Thurs: Review for Weather Test


1. Review weather map hw #4
2.Air Masses Described and Coriolis Effect reviewed
3. work and review on review packet

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1/15 Wed: Reading Weather Maps

HW: weather map worksheet  #4-due tomorrow 


Learning Target: I can read a weather map and make weather predictions based on information provided on a map.

1. Complete the reading activity from the last couple days
2. Watch Understanding a Weather Map
3. Start working on the weather map worksheet

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1/14 Tues: Shortened Day Schedule-complete the Jigsaw Activity on the Atmosphere and Weather

HW: Complete Part 1 (summary of your assigned section in the booklet) and the questions for YOUR ASSIGNED SECTION

PM Group-finish the weather quiz and begin the lesson from yesterday
AM Group-Finish the lesson/activity we began yesterday

Monday, January 13, 2020

1/13 Mon: Atmosphere and Climate booklet reading

HW: Readworks Articles (if not completed, assigned Thursday last week)

1. complete the Weather quiz that we did on Friday, if you had not completed it
2. Break into groups according to numbers 1 (introduction), 2 (Earth and Layers of the Atmosphere) and 3 (Weather).  Each group completes the part 1 of the graphic organizer on their own.  Then, in the group, answer the questions under part 2 of the organizer.
3. Switch the groups by giving each person a letter A, B, or C and create new groups. In these groups, students have 3 minutes to share out their answers to their assigned reading, while the rest of the group copies the answers for that section.
**NOTE-PM Group will start this lesson today and complete it tomorrow**

Friday, January 10, 2020

1/10 Fri: Weather Articles

HW: Complete the Readworks Articles 

1. After the math test, Take quick weather quiz (designed from questions from the HW-student designed questions)
2. read the three articles and complete the questions for each.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1/9 Thurs: Weather Articles

HW: Complete all 3 articles not finished in class-due Monday 1/13

1. Watch the videos from yesterday
2. Three Readworks Articles assigned on

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

1/8 Wed: Predicting the Weather

HW: Choose 1 video below and write 3 questions for that video OR create a crossword puzzle using 10 of the vocabulary words from that video

1. Read pages 100 to 105 and complete the questions on pages 45 and 46 in the guided reading packet
2. Watch the videos: Come up with 3 questions you would ask a student for each video OR write down vocabulary words from the videos, then create a crossword puzzle with 10 of the words.
NASA Predicting the Weather
Difficulty in Complex Weather Systems
Long Term Weather Prediction
El Nino and La Nina

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

1/7 Tues: Floods

HW: None

1. Watch Floods 101-National Geographic and Flood Management
2. Read pages 95 to 98. Answer questions on page 44 in workbook

Monday, January 6, 2020

1/6 Mon: Storms

HW: Finish watching the videos not watched in class

1. Read pages 83 to 91 and answer questions on pages 41-43.
2. Hurricane Science Explained
Hurricanes, Cyclones, Typhoons-Explain the Difference watch video
Define these three types of extreme weather, explain their differences in your notebook in a quick sketch graphic.
3. Storm Safety-
Winter Storms
Storm Safety Tips