Friday, February 28, 2020

2/28 Fri: Heat Transfer Reviewed and Convection Currents in the Mantle

HW: None-make up any missing assignments (including incomplete classwork)

Learning Targets:
I can identify the different types of heat  transfer.
I can recognize that convection occurs in the mantle of the Earth and I can infer what that does to the continental plates.
I can identify how heat is transferred in the mantle and how that affects the surface of the Earth.

  1. Go over terms-do the quizlet  quiz and show the grade for a quiz grade
  2. A Day in the Life of Geologist Video-COOL!
  3. Three Types of Heat Transfer-take notes on conduction, convection, and radiation in your science notebook
  4. Read pages 25 thru 27 and complete section 2 in your guided reading packet
  5. Find the Continent Activity-here is where the continents are NOW, BUT were they always there?

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