Monday, October 7, 2019

10/7 Mon: Observing the Solar System Chapter 2 Sect 1

HW: Terms to be completed by Friday October 11th
Geocentric, heliocentric, ellipse, inertia, solar wind, sunspot, photosphere
Chromosphere, prominence, solar flare, corona, terrestrial planets
Retrograde, rotation, greenhouse effect, gas giant, comet, asteroid,
Asteroid belt, meteoroid, meteor, meteorite, extraterrestrial life
Planet Project-Friday October 18th (Work done outside of class, non-group, equal a quiz grade)

LEARNING TARGET: I can Identify the difference between two models of the universe (heliocentric and geocentric).
I can draw the orbit shapes and state which scientist discovered this model and why it is important.
I can identify two factors that keep planets in their orbits.

1. Read pages 50-55. Complete note sheet on the Science Classroom OR pages 9 and 10 in Guided Reading Packet-review as a class (12 minutes)
2. Watch Copernicus Biography and Isaac Newton BrainPop-answer review quiz questions together
3. Exit Ticket
4. Roll out the Planet Project

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