Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/23 Wed: Intro to Constellations

Make a Quizlet for the following words (include pictures, if possible). It helps you study them!

Chapter 3 Terms

Constellation visible light electromagnetic radiation wavelength spectrum

Refracting telescope convex lens reflecting telescope radio telescope

Observatory spectrograph galaxy apparent magnitude

Absolute magnitude universe main sequence light-year

Parallax giant star pulsar nebula

Protostar white dwarf supernova neutron star

Black hole quasar binary star spiral galaxy
Elliptical galaxy irregular galaxy big bang

Question: What did the speaker of the first video mean by "China was isolated so much of the knowledge was kept there?"
2. Read pages 94 to 100 about the formation of constellations and answer the questions in the first page of the guided reading packet for Chapter 3

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