Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2/26 Wed: Layers of the Earth Stations

HW: TERMS DUE FRIDAY!  Study this quizlet and your terms
Quiz Tomorrow on the Layers of the Earth-STUDY!

Learning Target: I can illustrate, identify, and write about the layers of the inside of the Earth.

1. PM Group-exit ticket
Layers of the Earth-Part to Whole Ratio Comparison Sheet
2. Stations: You will receive a station packet.  This will be completed for a classwork grade.  There are 4 stations to do in the class time we have today.  7 minutes at each station.
Read It-Take an orange sheet and read the article.  Answer the questions on the back on your station packet.
Watch It-Watch this video and complete the task cards at the station on your station packet.
Research It-Go to the interactive website to learn more about the layers of the Earth
Illustrate It-Using a model of the inside of the Earth as a guide, complete the task cards at the station. Ms. Sobon is at this station reviewing the exit ticket from yesterday with the group.

WRITE IT and ASSESS IT portions-Quiz Grade Tomorrow

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