Friday, January 31, 2020

1/31 Fri: Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles

HW: Study notes for QUIZ on carbon cycle Monday!

LEARNING TARGET: I can connect the carbon cycle to my life and the lives of the organisms around me.

*Review page 59 in workbook AM Group*
1. Watch  Carbon Cycle-Simple StuffExplanation of CO2 Cycle-take notes or fill in missing information in the blanks on the notes provided
2. Watch The Nitrogen Cycle in Simple Terms and fill in missing information in the notes provided. Review Notes  Click here  for flashcards to study the 5 main stages of the nitrogen cycle in simple terms
3. Come up with questions for Dr. Jeffrey (AM Group) and Dr. Williams (PM group)

 Additional Materials for review: Global Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle BrainPop

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