Friday, February 28, 2020

2/28 Fri: Heat Transfer Reviewed and Convection Currents in the Mantle

HW: None-make up any missing assignments (including incomplete classwork)

Learning Targets:
I can identify the different types of heat  transfer.
I can recognize that convection occurs in the mantle of the Earth and I can infer what that does to the continental plates.
I can identify how heat is transferred in the mantle and how that affects the surface of the Earth.

  1. Go over terms-do the quizlet  quiz and show the grade for a quiz grade
  2. A Day in the Life of Geologist Video-COOL!
  3. Three Types of Heat Transfer-take notes on conduction, convection, and radiation in your science notebook
  4. Read pages 25 thru 27 and complete section 2 in your guided reading packet
  5. Find the Continent Activity-here is where the continents are NOW, BUT were they always there?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

2/27 Thurs: Finish Layers of the Earth

HW:Terms due tomorrow!!  (see Monday's post for list)

1.. Layers of the Earth Quiz-Assess It and Write It
2.   Bill Nye Layers of the Earth video with notes with Prezi

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2/26 Wed: Layers of the Earth Stations

HW: TERMS DUE FRIDAY!  Study this quizlet and your terms
Quiz Tomorrow on the Layers of the Earth-STUDY!

Learning Target: I can illustrate, identify, and write about the layers of the inside of the Earth.

1. PM Group-exit ticket
Layers of the Earth-Part to Whole Ratio Comparison Sheet
2. Stations: You will receive a station packet.  This will be completed for a classwork grade.  There are 4 stations to do in the class time we have today.  7 minutes at each station.
Read It-Take an orange sheet and read the article.  Answer the questions on the back on your station packet.
Watch It-Watch this video and complete the task cards at the station on your station packet.
Research It-Go to the interactive website to learn more about the layers of the Earth
Illustrate It-Using a model of the inside of the Earth as a guide, complete the task cards at the station. Ms. Sobon is at this station reviewing the exit ticket from yesterday with the group.

WRITE IT and ASSESS IT portions-Quiz Grade Tomorrow

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2/25 Tues: Layers of the Earth

HW: Terms-due Friday 2/28

1. Complete the Webquest from yesterday
2. Exit Ticket

Monday, February 24, 2020

2/24 Mon: Earth's Interior Day 1

HW: Chapter 1 Terms Due Friday 2/28 see link here for list

LEARNING TARGET: I can identify the layers of the earth by composition, temperature, and density.

1. Watch Earth's Interior Video
2. Read pages 16 thru 24 and Earth's Interior Notes Guided Reading Packet-pages 2-4
3. Earth;s Surface Webquest-work on 5 items on the webquest and complete the worksheet accordingly. 5 items is full credit.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2/12 Wed: Expressions and Equations Test

HW: Complete the Weather/Climate Project (if not completed)

1. Math Test
2. Start presentations of projects

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2/11 Tues: Math Test review

HW: Weather and Climate Project Board-due tomorrow

Math Review-see math blog

Monday, February 10, 2020

2/10 Mon: Climate Test

HW: Work on Climate/Weather Project Board-due Wed 2/12

1. kahoot review
2. Climate Test administered

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2/5 Wed & 2/6 Thurs: Review for Climate Test

HW: Study for Test Friday on Climate!!!  Use guided reading packet, any notes or worksheets handed back, and the review packet given in class to study for the test on Friday!

1. Carbon Cycle Quiz-with notes
2. Stations!
-vocab puzzles
-Quizlets practice
Quizlet 1
Quizlet 2
-review packet

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2/4 Tues: Skype a Scientist Virtual Confernence

HW: Weather/Climate Project-due Feb 12th

AM Group-Dr. Simon Jeffreys-Climatologist from the UK
PM Group-Dr. Thomas Williams-climatologist from University of Florida
Ask your kids about it!

Monday, February 3, 2020

2/3 Mon: Carbon Cycle and Nonfiction Reading for Information on Climate

HW: Start  reviewing notes and materials for test on Climate this week (Thursday)

1. Complete Carbon Cycle notes
2. Science A to Z booklet on Climate-read pages 15 thru 24 and complete the close reading worksheet as you read.  Get another sheet when you need one.
3. Kids Discover Magazine assignment-share magazines
4. IXL N2, N4, N8, and N10-5 correct in a row