Thursday, October 31, 2019

10/31 Thurs: Review for Chapter 3


1. Complete review sheet in notebook-ask questions!
2. Play 3 Kahoots-review!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10/30 Wed: Galaxies and Star Systems

HW: Life of a Star Packet-due tomorrow

1. Life of a Star Packet
2. Galaxy Brainpop and Milky Way galaxy brainpops-answer the quizzes for CW grade as you watch the videos
3. Vocab Quiz
4. If time, watch Hubble Space Telescope-National Geographic and Constellation Documentary

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sunday, October 27, 2019

10/28 Mon: Lives of Stars, Star Systems, and Galaxies

HW:  Vocab Quiz WEDNESDAY on Chapter 3 terms

Learning Targets: I can explain the general lives of stars.
I can identify factors that explain how long a star can live.
I can define a star system.
I can classify three types of star systems bases on shared characteristics.

1. Read pages 112 to 116, Section 2 in textbook and complete the Section 3 notes in guided reading packet
2. Watch the video on Lives of Stars and refer to the handouts
3. Life of a Star Packet

Friday, October 25, 2019

10/25 Fri: Characteristics of Stars

HW: Put terms in a Quizlet, if possible (use the quizlet to study!!)
**Check terms**
1. Read pages 103 to 109
2. What is a light year?     Glow On: Crash Course on Stars
3. Answer the Section 2 questions in the Guided Reading Packet

Thursday, October 24, 2019

10/24 Thurs: Finish Constellations Reading

HW: Terms due TOMORROW!!

1. Finish Section 1 Reading and Guided Reading fro Section 1
2. Readworks Article on Constellation

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/23 Wed: Intro to Constellations

Make a Quizlet for the following words (include pictures, if possible). It helps you study them!

Chapter 3 Terms

Constellation visible light electromagnetic radiation wavelength spectrum

Refracting telescope convex lens reflecting telescope radio telescope

Observatory spectrograph galaxy apparent magnitude

Absolute magnitude universe main sequence light-year

Parallax giant star pulsar nebula

Protostar white dwarf supernova neutron star

Black hole quasar binary star spiral galaxy
Elliptical galaxy irregular galaxy big bang

Question: What did the speaker of the first video mean by "China was isolated so much of the knowledge was kept there?"
2. Read pages 94 to 100 about the formation of constellations and answer the questions in the first page of the guided reading packet for Chapter 3

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10/22 Tues: Chapter 2 Solar System Test

HW: Chapter 3 Terms-due Friday Oct 25th

Constellation visible light electromagnetic radiation wavelength spectrum

Refracting telescope convex lens reflecting telescope radio telescope

Observatory spectrograph galaxy apparent magnitude

Absolute magnitude universe main sequence light-year
Parallax giant star pulsar nebula
Protostar white dwarf supernova neutron star
Black hole quasar binary star spiral galaxy
Elliptical galaxy irregular galaxy big bang

1. Chapter 2 Test

2. Learning Symposium of Planet Projects (PM Group Only)

Monday, October 21, 2019

10/21 Mon: Finish Planet Projects Presentation and Chapter 2 Review

HW: Study for test on planets and space objects tomorrow!

1. Finish space projects
2. AM Group-finish space objects part of the guided reading packet
Review Packet for Chapter 2

Friday, October 18, 2019

10/18 Fri: Planet Project Presentations

EXTRA CREDIT FOR SCIENCE ONLY-TACNY Junior Cafe Crazy Pumpkins and Other Chemistry Creations at the MOST TOMORROW, SAT OCT 19th from 930-1100!!  

1. Planet Quiz (from yesterday)
2. AM GROUP-finish the space object notes and BOTH GROUPS-Review the Spartan Way and being a respectful audience
2. Each student will present their projects in class

Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/17 Thurs: Space Objects other than Planets

HW: Prepare for Planet Project Presentations Tomorrow
Planet Projects due Tomorrow
Study for Test TUESDAY on Chapter 2!!!

1. Quiz on Planets
2. Read pages 451 thru 456 in guided reading packet. Answer questions as you read along. Be sure to answer the questions on page 456 and review answers as a class
2. Watch Comet, Asteroid, or Meteor?
   Meteor, meteorite, or meteoroid??? take notes on graphic organizer in guided reading packet

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16 Wed: The Outer Planets

HW: Planet Project & Presentations-due Friday 10/18-see google classroom for flipgrid link to make videos
REMINDER: up to 3 well-done projects, earn up to 100; up to 2 well-done projects-earn up to a 90; up to 1 well done project-earn up to a 70
CHAPTER 2 TEST ON PLANETS coming up Next Tuesday!

Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of the outer planets and what they have in common.  I can compare and contrast the outer and inner planets.

DIN: complete page 11 in the guided reading packet
1.  Read pages 70 to 76 (Sect 4: The Outer Planets) and complete the close reading sheet. Also, answer the questions on page 12 in the guided reading packet
2. Watch the Inner versus Outer Planets Video for theory of WHY they planets were created differently (good video-very intense and higher level-so pay attention)
3. Then watch Ehow video on differences and similarities of the planets-take notes on the document "Inner versus Outer Planets Top Hat" on Google Classroom
4. Review the diagram together as a class.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

10/15 Tues: The Inner Planets

HW: Planet Project-Due FRIDAY!!!

Learning Target: I can identify the inner planets and the characteristics that they have in common.

1. Leave terms in a pile on the table next to my desk up front, I will grade the notebooks and return them. BE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE ASSIGNMENT.
2. Read textbook pages 62 thru 69.
Answer the questions on page 11 in the Guided Reading Packet.
Use the close reading sheet to fill in as you read the pages. These close reading sheets will be collected and given a class grade.

Friday, October 11, 2019

10/11 Fri: Dr. Crismani Video Conference on Planets and Space

HW: None

1. Complete the Reading Survey
2. extra credit opportunity-TACY Junior Cafe at the MOST
3. Video Conference with Dr. Crismani, Astrophysicist and Planetary Scientist at the University of Boulder, Colorado, NASA

Thursday, October 10, 2019

10/10 Thurs: Sun Features and Its Importance & Intro to Planets in the Solar System

HW: Terms due TOMORROW 
Planet Project due Fri 10/18

Learning Target: I can identify the parts of the sun and explain the significance of the sun for Earth.
I can determine whether life can live on the other planets in our solar system and explain my answer.

1. . Read worksheet on the SUN and complete the note sheet with close reading skills
2. Answer the questions on the back
3. Solar System Inquiry Lesson-Gizmo

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

10/9 Wed: Bottle Rockets

HW: Terms due Friday, October 11th

Planet Project due 10/18

1. Bottle Rockets Lab

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

10/8 Tues: The Sun

HW: Terms due Friday
Planet Projects due the 18th of October (Next Friday)

LEARNING TARGET:  I can explain how the sun gets its energy. 
I can identify the layers of the sun's atmosphere and some features of the sun. 

**Finish the Brainpops from yesterday**
1, Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy-The SUN and complete the "watch along worksheet"
2. NASA Sun Images and Facts Video
CNN Student News Solar Storms 3:15
Question: How do solar storms affect us here on Earth?

Monday, October 7, 2019

10/7 Mon: Observing the Solar System Chapter 2 Sect 1

HW: Terms to be completed by Friday October 11th
Geocentric, heliocentric, ellipse, inertia, solar wind, sunspot, photosphere
Chromosphere, prominence, solar flare, corona, terrestrial planets
Retrograde, rotation, greenhouse effect, gas giant, comet, asteroid,
Asteroid belt, meteoroid, meteor, meteorite, extraterrestrial life
Planet Project-Friday October 18th (Work done outside of class, non-group, equal a quiz grade)

LEARNING TARGET: I can Identify the difference between two models of the universe (heliocentric and geocentric).
I can draw the orbit shapes and state which scientist discovered this model and why it is important.
I can identify two factors that keep planets in their orbits.

1. Read pages 50-55. Complete note sheet on the Science Classroom OR pages 9 and 10 in Guided Reading Packet-review as a class (12 minutes)
2. Watch Copernicus Biography and Isaac Newton BrainPop-answer review quiz questions together
3. Exit Ticket
4. Roll out the Planet Project

Friday, October 4, 2019

10/4 Fri: Chapter 1 Test and (possibly) Bottle Rockets!!


1. Chapter 1 Test
2. Math Diagnositic iReady Test
3. Bottle Rockets, if there is time. If not, we will do it next week.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3 Thurs: Review Day 2 of Earth and Moon

HW: Study for test tomorrow!!
Use the extra review packet to see how much you can answer or look up the answers tonight!

1. Complete the review packet
(Pop quiz)
2. Play Kahoot games for review

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

10/2 Wed: Review for Chapter 1

HW: Complete the REview Packet-due tomorrow
Study for Chapter 1 Test Friday!!

1. Review the Chapter 1 Assessment on page 46 in the textbook
2. Work on the review packet together

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

10/1 Tues: Rocket, ISS, Space Shuttles and More

Study for Chapter 1 test coming up Friday 10/4!!! 
         Things to study are vocab (rotation, revolution, tilt, orbit, axis, season, longitude, latitude, eclipse, ellipse, phases, tides, gravity, and planet),  Guided Reading Packet stuff (4 positions of the moon, Earth's revolution around the sun and seasons) CHECK OUT THE WEBSITES BELOW!!!

1. PM Section-Read Section 2 Phases, Eclipses and Tides and see notes 
2. AM and PM Group- Watch some Britannica Launch Packs videos and articles on space exploration, satellites, space shuttles and the ISS
3. Eath, Moon, and Phases BINGO Game
4.If time and for review: Check out the videos and links below and the activity: Write a video review on one of the links below for a 5th grade audience so they know why they should watch the video.

What is a Comet?
Rosetta Mission: Landing on a Comet
Highlights from the Rosetta Landing-Nov 2015
Making Oxygen on Mars
Space Elevator
All About the International Space Station (ISS)