Monday, September 30, 2019

9/30 Mon: Living on the Moon Informational Text Readings

HW: Finish the article on Living on the Moon and To The Moon and Back
Phases of the Moon Worksheet-due tomorrow (assigned Friday)

Readworks articles print out-read and answer the questions
1. To the Moon and Back
2. Living on the Moon

Friday, September 27, 2019

9/27 Fri: Phases of the Moon

HW: Phases of the Moon Worksheet-due Tuesday

1. Moon Phases BrainPop-do review quiz as a class
2. Tides BrainPop-do review quiz as a class 
3. Read section 2 in book and complete section 2 pages
in study guide   

Thursday, September 26, 2019

9/26 Thurs: Seasons-last day

HW: None

1. Read section 1 (from page 14 thru end of section) in textbook together and answer review questions in notebook
2. Seasons Quiz

TEAM LIT: Ride for Missing Children mission and rally tomorrow-update and information

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

9/25 Wed: Season Gizmo Final Day and Season Quiz

HW: None

AM Group-Finish gizmo and take season quiz
PM Group-Complete warm up and Activity A (B if time allows) and take the season quiz

Monday, September 23, 2019

9/23 Mon and 9/24 Tues: Seasons in 3D Gizmo

Turn in completed gizmo in class on Wednesday (if not done in class by Tuesday)

LEARNING TARGET: I can determine how the passage of a day, month, and year relates to the movements of the Earth, Moon, and Sun.  Also, I can analyze the Sun’s apparent path across the sky. I can see how the sun affects times for sunrise and sunset in different locations and at different times.

1. Log into Gizmos ( and Work on Activities A together
2. Then work on activities B and C of the Seasons Gizmo-independent activity
3. Seasons Quiz

Friday, September 20, 2019

9/20 Fri: Informational Text readings on Seasons Review with a focus on rotation and revolution

HW: None

Learning Target: I can explain why we have seasons and day and night. I can connect my knowledge of the Earth's rotation and revolution, along with the tilt of the Earth on its axis, to these phenomena. 

1. Review the Spongebob worksheet HW from last night
2. watch the video-Reasons for the Seasons Video
3. Read section 1 (from page 14 thru end of section) in textbook together and answer review questions in notebook.
4. Kahoot-seasons
5. Seasons quiz on Science google classroom

Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/18 Thurs: Scientific Method Day 2 and Catch Up

HW: Spongebob Worksheet (front side)-due tomorrow

1. Using RACE to form a constructed response for questions on future assignments (mini-lesson)
2. Scientific Method Activity-ordering the steps
3. See blog post from Tuesday and complete activities

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

9/18 Wed: Catch Up

HW: Anything that is missing

We are a couple fire drills today so that delayed our already detained schedule for Science. Tomorrow we will make up the two lessons from Monday and Tuesday. Friday we will start a virtual activity for exploring why we have seasons.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9/17 Tues: Seasons Intro and History of Time

HW: None (make up any missing hw)

Learning Target: I can understand which movements of the Earth cause the seasons and night/day.

1. BrainPop on Seasons  and Solstice and Equinox-complete the worksheet
2. Watch the Earliest Time Keeping Devices and The History of Time Keeping-take notes on the google doc on the Science Classroom.  Be sure to describe information from each of the videos and add concepts that are discussed in BOTH the videos and concepts that are different or only covered in one of the videos.

Monday, September 16, 2019

9/16 Mon: Intro to Astronomy

HW: Scientific Method Readworks article due tomorrow!!

LEARNING TARGET:  I can articulate how ancient civilizations influenced the field of astronomy.

Take notes as you watch these videos as a class.  Note the importance of Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian findings and how they influenced Western culture's understanding of astronomy.
Ancient Astronomy Part 1
Ancient Astronomy Part 2
After watching these two videos, on a sheet of LL, write a paragraph addressing how earlier civilizations affected present-day understandings of astronomy. What is their impact on the field of astronomy?

Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13 Fri: Scientific Method Day 2

HW: Read Works article on The Scientific Method-due Monday, September 16th

Learning Target: I can identify the types of variables in an experiment. 
I can list the steps of the scientific method in order.

1. Log in to Readworks!
Housekeeping items:
-student sign in to class dojo with personal devices
-assign printers to students
2. Watch Types of Variables and Identify Types of Variables with Mythbusters and take notes in ntbk
3. In groups, work on the Spongebob Control Variable Worksheet
4. Watch the BrainPop on Scientific Method and do the review quiz together as a class

Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/12 Thurs: Intro of the Scientific Method

HW: TERMS due tomorrow!!

1.  Listen to a music video on scientific method.  Students write down the process for the scientific method in pairs.  Let's write and define these : observation, analyze, data, hypothesis, variable on the brainpop paper
2.  Students watch the Big Bang Scientific Method clip and identify what happened for each part of the procedure for the characters making the scientific method using the sentence strips.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11 Wed: Chromebook Stuff from the other day

HW: Terms (see Monday's post) due Friday 9/13

1. Team Literacy: 9-940 is a 6th grade assembly presented by the school principal, Mr. Mohorter.
2. Chromebook items from previous blog posts.  Enroll in Math and Science google classrooms and follow the google slide show for bookmarking sites that are important for class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

9/10 Tues: Science Discovery Stations

HW: Terms due Friday 9/13th 
astronomy                revolution                       rotation                    autumnal equinox              latitude
solstice                    axis                                  orbit

1. Game learning everyone's name (5 minutes)
2. STATIONS:  Students sit at a station and complete the activity stated below on loose leaf (located in the bin-please PUT YOUR NAME ON IT).  Each station is 8 minutes.  The task should be completed upon the end of this time.  When the timer rings, switch to the next station in order (1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 3, and so on...)

STATION 1: Making a Model

Making models helps people understand things they cannot see or observe directly.  Scientists often use models to represent things that are either very large or very small, such as planets or the solar system, or parts of a cell.  Such models are physical models-drawings and three-dimensional structures that look like the real thing.  Other models are mental models-mathematical equations or words that describe how something works. 

1.  Picture a student using a model to demonstrate what causes day and night on Earth.  What do you think the flashlight and the blue ball represent?
2. Identify which type of model each paper is in the bin (there are two papers).


Communicating is the process of sharing ideas and information with other people.  Communicating effectively requires other skills such as writing, reading, speaking, listening, and making models.

TASK:  On a sheet of paper in your notebook, write out clear, detailed directions for making a design with the legos.  Another student will make the design following your directions, so you want them to be really simple, correct, and have the reader's perspective.  


Grouping items together that are alike in many ways: by size, shape, by use, and by other important characteristics (ways you describe an object or being) is called classifying.  When things are sorted into groups, the relationships between them are easier to understand.

TASK: Classify the objects in your bin into 2 groups based on any characteristic you choose.  Identify the characteristic on your paper and list the objects included in that group.  Next, use a different characteristic to classify them into 3 groups.


When you use one or more of your 5 senses to gather information about the world, you are observing.  An observation must be an accurate report of what your senses detect.  It is important to keep careful records of your observations in class by writing or drawing in a notebook.  The information you collect is called evidence, or data.

TASK: Look at the photograph on page 17 in the Uncovering Earth's History book and make at least 3 observations.  Write them down on your paper.

Monday, September 9, 2019

9/9 Mon: Meet and Greet Time

HW: Homework strategy sheet signed by a parent
(Due by Friday  September 13th) Define the following terms:
astronomy                  axis               rotation                revolution                 orbit                   cosmos
latitude                      solstice           equinox               vernal equinox          autumnal equinox

1. Get missing chromebooks from the library and log in default is Zebra212.  Change your password to something you will remember. 
***SPECIAL NOTE*** NO SHARING of Passwords, Log Ins, or Locker combo with ANYONE (even your bf4ever)
2. IXL E 16-4th grade (review)
3.  Take quick survey Student Reading Survey
4. bookmark the math, science blogs and Ms. Sobon's website. Clear out other bookmarks from previous years.

Friday, September 6, 2019

9/6 Fri: Chromebook

HW: Be sure your syllabus is returned signed, log into Class Dojo!!

Defer to the math blog today for the lesson plan
4th period-we will pick up our chromebooks!! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

9/5 Thurs: Welcome to Science!

HW: None

Check out the class website for resources-bookmark the blogs, ixl, and class websites