Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/28 Thurs: Geologic Time Exploring

HW: Study  Geologic Time Scale Vocab-15 minutes
Complete the worksheet on the Geologic Time Scale, if not done in class

Learning Target:  I can construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth's 4.54 billion year old history.

1. Review pages in guided reading packet on the rock cycle
2.  Watch the video How Old in the Earth? How old is it?
3.  Take a tour HERE and learn about the geologic time scale.  You must go through the entire tour. Complete the worksheet that goes along with the interactive resource posted in the google classroom.

Monday, May 25, 2020

5/26 Tues: Rock Cycle

HW: Read pages 166 to 169 and complete the questions on pages 11 thru 13 in the Guided Reading Packet
**LARGE GROUP CLASSES THE REST OF THE YEAR-AM Group meets at 11:00 and PM Group meets at 11:45-Wed 5/27 thru Fri 6/12**

Learning Target: I can understand how rocks are made and how they are ever changing.

Complete the 3 Edpuzzles on google classroom:
1. Intro video on the Rock Cycle
2. Rock Cycle Song-Mr. Lee
3. Bill Nye
(The links are provided are for parents to watch. Your assignments of these videos are posted on the science google classroom.

Friday, May 22, 2020

5/22 Fri: Types of Rocks Day 2

HW: Finish any missing work from the week-check missing work chart
Monday-no class, take time to remember those we have lost

1. AM Group-Kayden presentation on Rocks and Minerals
PM Group-Michelle presentation on Rocks and Minerals
2.  In Class-Types of Rocks Brainpop

Thursday, May 21, 2020

5/21 Thurs: Types of Rocks

HW: NEWS ELA Types of Rock article with tasks assigned-due Friday

Learning Target: I can identify a type of rock by its physical characteristics and how each are made.

1. Rock Video Quest!
Watch the videos and take notes on page 34 in Guided Reading Packet.  Review together as a class..
Igneous Rocks Video
Sedimentary Rock Video
Metamorphic Rocks
2. Read the NEWS ELA Types of Rock Article and complete the tasks for homework

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

5/19 Tues: Rock Intro

HW: Watch Types of Rock Flocabulary and complete the tasks assigned-due Thursday

PM Group-mineral formation notes (see last week's post)
1. Read pages 146 to 148 in textbook and complete pages 4 and 5 in Guided Reading Packet
2. Bubble map on Characteristics of  Rocks from the information on pages 146 to 149 of the textbook with page 33 in Guided Reading Packet

If you have extra time, define Rock terms

Friday, May 15, 2020

5/15 Fri: Mineral Vocab Quiz

HW: Make up any missing work

1. Check Missing work chart
2. Take the Mineral Vocab Quiz on the GC

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5/14 Thurs: Mineral Formation

HW:Mineral Identification BrainPop-submit quiz to my Brainpop class on Clever
Study for the vocabulary quiz Tomorrow on the mineral vocab 

Learning Target: I can identify the ways in which minerals are formed.

1. Read Section 1 and 2  pages 118 to 126  pages 1 thru 3 in Guided Reading Packet
2. PREZI on mineral formation with videos that illustrate need to know concepts
fill in the flow map  as a class for the two main methods minerals form

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5/12 Tues: Mineral Identification & Properties

HW: Define the following terms by Thursday May 14th
Mineral inorganic crystal element compound Moh's hardness scale
Streak luster cleavage fracture fluorescence solution
Vein gemstone ore smelting alloy

NOTE: 2:30 Class tomorrow must join the 1:00 or 1:45 class. I have a department meeting at 2:30.

Learning Target: I will be able to define and explain terms related to minerals.  I can identify the characteristics of a mineral. I can explain how minerals are identified.

1.  Geology Kitchen 1: What is a Mineral and Mineral Identification-complete with page 30 of packet
2. Complete the Google doc based on the videos for a classwork grade

Friday, May 8, 2020

5/8 Fri: Large Group Discussion on Mount Vesuvius

HW: Check missing work charts

1. Large group discussion about article and videos
2. show pics of Mount Vesuvius from when I lived in Naples, Italy

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/7 Thurs: Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

HW: See GC post 5/6 and complete it-due tomorrow

If done reading the article, watching the author's "Behind the Scenes" video, watch this video on facts of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius (3 min video)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5/6 Wed: EQ & Volcano Test

HW: see GC post

Learning Target: I can find connections from information researched prior to writing a good nonfiction article.

1. During class-take the EQ & Volcano Test
2. See the GC post-watch the video on the author who wrote "The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius" and then read the article. Think about ways that the author prepared to write the article. See the GC for the question to answer that is graded and due by Friday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/5 Tues: Review Day 2 EQ & Volcanoes

HW: Study for Test tomorrow-Read Chapter 3 Volcanoes-skim it, read the headings and subheadings, check out the summary at the end of sections 1 and 2 only

1. Three Kahoots! (if time) Review of Plate tectonics 2, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes
2. Read chapter 3 volcanoes (see above)

Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4 Mon: EQ & Volcanoes Plate Tectonics Review

HW: Study for Test on Wednesday-see old blog posts, google classroom posts from "week end 4/17" (particularly stress notes and fault video posted on 4/14) and read the chapters 2 Earthquakes posted under this week's end 5/8-Test Wednesday!

1. work on Review Packet-see Science GC for packet-open it with Kami and you can write on it (like I do in the math lesson)
2. Read Chapter 2-Earthquakes and Chapter 3-Volcanoes to review for test Wednesday

Friday, May 1, 2020

5/1 Fri: Make Up DAY

1. Check out the missing work charts
2. Complete any of the assignments from the week that are not already finished.